Selected Presentations

Selected presentations describing Cyclocreatine Phosphate (Nourexal®) and the novel Nourin® molecular biomarkers from peer-reviewed submissions to the American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Association (AHA), European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), as well as an invited presentation on the Nourin® antagonist, anti-inflammatory drug, Cyclosporin H entitled: Cyclosporin H: A Novel Anti-Inflammatory Therapy with Applications for Covid-19 Patients.

Nourin® miRNAs are Novel Biomarkers for Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)
  • Salwa A. Elgebaly, W. Frank Peacock, IV, Michael A. Azrin, Emerson C. Perin, Nashwa El-Khazragy, Robert Fuller, Don Kreutzer, Robert H. Christenson. MmicroRNA-137 and miRNA-106b are novel myocardial ischemia/inflammation-dependent biomarkers with high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Highlighted Original Research: Ischemic Heart Disease and the Year in Review - Oral Contributions, 2024 American College of Cardiology (ACC) Conference, J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 83,(13) 1151, 2024.
Further Confirmation of Nourin® miRNAs as Biomarkers of Myocardial Ischemia
Cyclocreatine Phosphate Resuscitates Poorly Functioning Hearts
  • Elgebaly, S.A.; Poston, R.; van Buren, C.; Todd, R.; Arafa, R.; El-Khazragy, N.; Rabie, M.; Mohamed, A.; Ahmed, L.; Sayed, N.E.: A Novel High Energy Phosphate Source Resuscitates Poorly Functioning Donor Hearts. Circulation J. 146, A9706, (abstract) 2022.
Nourin miRNAs Can Rule-in and Rule-out Stable CAD
  • Elgebaly SA, Christenson RH, Azrin M, Rizk H, El-Khazragy N, Kreutzer DL, Van Buren C, and Poston R.: Nourin Mirnas: Novel Blood Biomarkers for Early Identification or Exclusion of Myocardial Ischemia in Women Suspected of Having Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Circulation J. 146:A9773) (Abstract) 2022.
Cyclocreatine Phosphate and Myocardial Ischemia (Review)
  • Elgebaly SA, Poston R, Todd R, Helmy T, Almaghraby A, Elbayoumi T, Kreutzer DL.: Cyclocreatine Protects Against Ischemic Injury and Enhances Cardiac Recovery During Early Reperfusion. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 17:9, 683-697, 2019 (REVIEW).
  •    Preclinical Studies:
  •    - Acute Myocardial Infarction
  •    - Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
  •    - Heart Transplantation

Cyclocreatine Protects Against Ischemic Injury and Enhances Cardiac Recovery During Early Reperfusion

Cyclocreatine Phosphate and Heart Failure
  • 1. Elgebaly, S.A.; Van Buren, C.; Todd, R.; Poston, R.; Rabie, M.A.; Mohamed, A.F.; Ahmed, L.A.; El Sayed, N.S.: Cyclocreatine Phosphate: A Novel Mechanism for Preventing Development of Heart Failure. Circulation. Virtual Meeting – 17 Nov 142:A13311, 2020.

Cyclocreatine Phosphate: A Novel Mechanism for Preventing Development of Heart Failure

  • 2. Elgebaly, S.A.; Todd, R.; Kreutzer, D.; Christenson, R.; El-Khazragy, N.; Arafa, R.; Rabie, M.; Mohamed, A.; Ahmed, L.; El Sayed, N.S.: Nourin-Associated miRNAs: Novel Inflammatory Monitoring Markers for Cyclocreatine Phosphate Therapy in Heart Failure. Int J Mol Sci. Apr; 22(7): 3575, 2021.

Nourin-Associated miRNAs: Novel Inflammatory Monitoring Markers for Cyclocreatine Phosphate Therapy in Heart Failure

Nourin-dependent miRNA-137 Cardiac Biomarker
  • 1. Elgebaly, S.A.; Christenson, R.H.; Kandil, H.; El-Khazragy, N.; Rashed, L.; Yacoub, B.; Sharafieh, R.; Klueh, U.; Kreutzer, D.L.: Nourin-dependent Mirna-137: A Novel Early Diagnostic Biomarker for Unstable Angina Patients. Circulation J.. Virtual Meeting – 17 Nov. 142:A13051, 2020.

  • 2. Elgebaly, S.A.; Christenson, R.; Kandil, H.; El-Khazragy, N.; Rashed, L.; Yacoub, B.; Eldeeb, H.; Ali, M.; Sharafieh, R.; Klueh, U.; and Kreutzer DL. Nourin-Dependent miR-137 and miR-106b: Novel Early Inflammatory Diagnostic Biomarkers for Unstable Angina Patients. “Special Issue: Molecular Biomarkers in Cardiology”, Biomolecules Mar; 11(3): 368, 2021.

Nourin-dependent miR-137: A Novel Early Diagnostic Biomarker for Unstable Angina Patients

Nourin-dependent miRNA-106b Cardiac Biomarker
  • 1. Elgebaly, S.A.; Christenson, R.H.; Kandil, H.; ElKhazragy, N.; Rashed, L.; Yacoub, B.; Sharafieh, R.; Klueh, U.; Kreutzer, D.L. Abstract 13103: Nourin-dependent Mirna-106b: A Novel Early Inflammatory Diagnostic Biomarker for Cardiac Injury. Circulation. Virtual Meeting – 17 Nov. 142:A13103, 2020.

  • 2. Elgebaly, S.A.; Christenson, R.; Kandil, H.; El-Khazragy, N.; Rashed, L.; Yacoub, B.; Eldeeb, H.; Ali, M.; Sharafieh, R.; Klueh, U.; and Kreutzer DL. Nourin-Dependent miR-137 and miR-106b: Novel Early Inflammatory Diagnostic Biomarkers for Unstable Angina Patients. “Special Issue: Molecular Biomarkers in Cardiology”, Biomolecules Mar; 11(3): 368, 2021.

Nourin-dependent miR-106b: A Novel Early Inflammatory Diagnostic Biomarker for Cardiac Injury

Nourin Protein Cardiac Biomarker
  • Elgebaly SA, Christenson R, Schiffmann E, Qiao Yi. and Kreutzer DL. Early Identification of Cardiac Ischemia Patients in the Emergency Department. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions. Orlando, Florida. May. 81:S2-S3, 2013.

Early Identification of Cardiac Ischemia Patients in the Emergency Department

Cyclosporin H and Lethal Influenza Flu Infection (Nourin Review)
  • 1. Elgebaly SA, Elbayoumi T and Kreutzer DL. Cyclosporin H: A Novel Anti-inflammatory Therapy for Influenza Flu Patients. Journal of the Egypt. Soc. of Parasitol.: Apr;47(1):25-33, 2017.

Cyclosporin H: A Novel Anti-Inflammatory Therapy with Applications for Covid-19 Patients

  • 2. Elgebaly SA, Daniel Perez, Kathleen Sullivan, Craig Whitaker, Stephanie Caspe, Qiao Yi, and Donald L. Kreutzer. Nourexin-4: A Novel Anti-inflammatory Therapy for Influenza Flu. J. of Immunology. Baltimore, Maryland. April. 184, 2010 (1 Supplement) 52.1.

Nourexin-4: A Novel Anti-inflammatory Therapy for Influenza Flu

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